Prevention of Acute Upper Respiratory Infection by Catechins (Effects of Thrombin-Added Matcha Drink)カテキンによる急性上気道炎の予防(トロミ付け抹茶ドリンクの効果)
Food additives linked to hyperactivity in kids
Here is the summary of the advantages of organic farming methods:有機栽培農法は、環境にやさしく、健康的な食品の生産に寄与する多くの利点があります。OMGT®Matcha Pasteは有機宇治抹茶使用着色料不使用です。
Association between bowel habits and dementia.便習慣と認知症との関連
Alzheimer's disease cured with copper ions?アルツハイマー病が銅イオンで治る?!
Copper ions are more effective than silver ions in terms of antibacterial activity!銅イオンは、銀イオンより、抗菌効果が高い!!
Pesticide-rich Japan = How safe is rice tea in the daily routine of the Japanese people?農薬大国ニッポン=日本人の日常茶飯事におけるお米お茶の安全性はいかに!
Simultaneous intake of green tea extract and fish oil is effective in improving cognitive function 緑茶抽出物と魚油の同時摂取が認知機能の改善に有効